Monday, September 7, 2015

what are the best colored contact lenses

what are the best colored contact lenses Color contact lenses attracted many people, especially among the young. Besides being able to enhance the aesthetic value to users, contact lenses also offer several advantages.

Currently contact lens is equipped with UV protection and moisture in lens technology as Lacreon or Hydraclear. This technology serves to make the eyes stay moist and do not dry easily, so it feels more comfortable to wear in the long term.

But the circulation of a contact lens in Indonesia has various problems, such as contact lens sales in online stores, salons, beauty stores, even at the edge of the road that are not equipped Refraksionis power optical dispensers or contact lens practitioners who understand the aspects of eye health.

"Some unwanted problems often arise, such as contact lens color that is not listed in the MoH, the quality is low and not controlled so as to have a negative impact on the eye," said Chairman of the Refraksionis optical dispensers Indonesia (IROPIN), Dian Leila Sari in seminars media titled "Prioritize Health and Beauty Eyes" in Jakarta, some time ago.

Dian added that people should buy colored contact lenses through the official optics and have eye health professionals (optometrists), which already has a Registration Certificate (STR).

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